Graduated from Perm State Agrarian and Technological University named after AK. D.N. Pryanishnikov
Specialty “Accounting and audit”.
Lyudmila Khovrina has been working in PFP Group companies since 1995.
In PFP-group LLC – since 2004, since 2012 – Director of Economics.
Graduated from Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg.
Specialty “Accounting and audit”.
Has a diploma in International Financial Reporting DipIFR.
He has been working in PFP Group companies since 2004.
In PFPG LLC – since 2010, since 2020 – Chief accountant.
General Director of PFP-Group LLC.
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of National Economy. Plekhanov majored in Finance and Credit. In 1997, she received a diploma in Marketing. She has a professional diploma in the field of cash flow and finance management of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT), an MBA diploma, advanced training in specialized Euromoney programs.
She started her professional career at Most-Bank, in 2004 she was appointed Financial Director of PFP-Group, and then director of the representative office of PFP-group in Moscow, financial Director, member of the Board of Directors of PFP-Group.
Director of Legal Support and Corporate Governance
In 1999 she graduated from Perm State University. Specialty – law.
In 2004, she began her career at PFPG, gradually holding positions from General Counsel to Director of Legal Support and Corporate Governance.
Until 2016, a judge of the Arbitration Economic Court at the PFPG.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of a number of companies belonging to the PFPG Group.